
Revertigo: n.  The state of regressing to the developmental, emotional, intellectual state of one's prior being, caused by the presence of a certain population of one's past.  Term coined on television sitcom "How I Met Your Mother" (CBS).

I graduated from the incomparable Gonzaga University in 2007.  Despite my frequent travels and nomadic lifestyle across this great nation in the time since, I really have not spent a real holiday surrounded by large quantities of people I went to college with.  I have, of course, seen people individually, and in smaller groups.  The weddings, girls nights, happy hours, week in random city with an old roommate, etc. have found me in the company of college friends, but not en masse.  Thus, I have been relatively immune to the phenomenon of revertigo.

This all changed.  I had no idea that I am not beyond the powers of jackassery that propel me back into the 20 year old state of mind, as soon as I am in the company of large numbers of my fellow Zags.

Last weekend was the WCC basketball tourney in Vegas.  (WE WON, GO ZAGS!) At the last minute, I decided to go.  Packed a bag, drove the 280 miles to Vegas, hung out with all of the peeps.  Really, I would recount the fun and philandering that ensued, but I would hate to ruin any shot at public office later in life.  So I will just leave you with these gems to treasure:

Really?  I graduated four years ago.  I have a career.  We all do.  There is no need to be stealing beers from the suite we broke into and stuffing them down my pants.  No need whatsoever. Side note: who was the photog who took the pic and cut out the three beers in my pants?! Actually, thanks.


Apparently, when the sun has already been up and one hasn't been down yet, despite having conversations (albeit shouted over Bruno Mars) with both an Italian and Jewish man, elevator mirror ceilings are endlessly fascinating.  People, I went to college.

"David Berry" is Amy's BF.  I know not of the circumstances surrounding this photo, I only know that it is inappropriate and therefore must be addressed.  Also, I recognize that my ass is flat.  I'm asian.  This is not new information.

This one is nice, other than my missing right lower extremity.  I end on this note.  Heed this warning, my friends: we know not the limitations of revertigo, or whether certain aspects are irreversible.  Protect yourselves.

Love Love Love.


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