Twenty Five.

My birthday is tomorrow...... but I was born in China, which makes it my birthday in my birthplace, today.  You follow?

Twenty............ five. 

Last year, I was convinced that twenty four would be my best year yet, and my ever-over-confident self started the year wrecking my car.  

This year, I am still convinced that this will be my best year yet, and am driving in the worst city nationwide for car safety.  It's not a sign.  

In celebration of the last year and hopes of the new!

Top Ten of Twenty Four:

10: living in seattle.  damn, i like that place despite everything i hate about it.  i now find myself finding every excuse to go.  why the hell is my house in spokane?  oh yeah, one of the reasons i hate seattle: housing market. 

9: my house.  despite the mounting responsibilities and inevitable drama that comes with home ownership, i still am thankful to have it and that things fell into place to get it.

8: china trip.  I love my grandma. no elaboration needed.  she is worth having to rub elbows with the yellows.

7: CVHS graduation-Janni takes the crown as the member of our family most likely to live up to her potential.  phew, pressure's off.

6: the awesome road trips.  lots of howling to good tunes, gorgeous scenery, self reflection this year.  my car has over 55K miles in 3.5 years.  i consider this a victory.

5: being outside a lot.  between living in the adventure loving seattle, trips to hawaii, denver, and moving to LA,  i almost satisfied my hunger for the outdoors this year.  almost.  

4: finally learning to let go of the unchangeable.  this year, i've learned that people are just that, and that the only one you can change is yourself.  i'm starting to expect less and learn to accept more.  this is a big deal for me.  

3: in theme with #4, i think this is the year i have finally accepted my height.  i've virtually quit wearing heels, i dont care about elongating my silhouette, and no longer feel the need to poof up my hair for height.  im short.  you know what? for as much as i have complained about it and resented myself for it the previous 24 years of my life, i dont think i would change it if i could.  i get way more attention being short than i ever would average height or tall.  it has now moved to my 'asset' list.  look at me, im maturing.

2: i went skydiving in hawaii, and it was incredible. still on the books as the happiest moment of my life.  i know not of another time that i felt so lighthearted and purely joyful.  it sounds silly, but the terror of the build up to the moment of jumping really contributed to the sheer ecstasy of flying across the sky.  i'm allowing myself to be this corny because i mean it. 

1: this year, i quit making excuses with myself and started chasing a dream.  acting is a ridiculous ambition and chances are, i will fail epically.  i dont care. 

Thanks to God and everyone else that had a hand in making twenty four so smile inducing.  let's have more adventures this year.

Love Love Love.


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