The Silk Tape Road: Mary Bridge

As part of tradition, you may find the following as a wrap up of final thoughts regarding this four month stint in Tacoma.

Even though I came every so slightly begrudgingly, I was so ready to be in the Northwest for a while. I missed the mountains, the water, the trees, and all of the people I have here that I think are rad. It has been superfun to live with the Fosters' and for so many reasons, and assignment in this area was really perfect timing. You know, it was Aunt Terry whom I called when unsure as to whether I should accept an assignment in Hartford, CT last spring. It was kind of an awful job, and I really couldn't think of any reason to land myself there. She quickly reminded me that I am not a travel nurse to wander aimlessly, but to go where my passions are. As God would have it, I ended up in her living room. No mistaking passion there.

The hospital in Tacoma was actually a pretty great place to work. Not as great as Mercy Children's in KC, but definitely a workable environment. The nurses were helpful, the MD's approachable, and none of the residents received the 007 distinction. The biggest complaint I could have is that they chart too much. Jiminy Christmas all I did at that place was chart. An everything assessment every four hours, and then half of it every two. In addition to all of the poking, wiping, inserting, twisting, etc etc that fills up a day. That part was overwhelming, but of course, got better over time.

I love Seattle. The 19 year old version of me is punching this 24 year old in the face. It was this side of five years ago that I could be found, likely standing atop a soapbox, proclaiming that I abhor this western side of Washington and I would never want to live here. I used to be so annoyed with the constant gray skies, the crowds of asians everywhere, and the mind numbing traffic that afflicts every hour of every day in every corner of this city. Now I take it all in stride, reminding myself that if it weren't for the gray skies, the stingy population, and the crowded freeways, too many other people would catch on. Now I love the green spaces, the water, the mountains, the organic food, and the music. hehe. That's why 19 year olds are dumb.

Love Love Love.


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