Although we've come (to the end of the road)

21 hours of driving.  over 1200 songs played on my ipod.  powerbars=meal replacements.  sketchy gas stations.  loss of vocal ability.  dirty looks for slow truck drivers. near-miss accidents due to taking pictures while driving (but just look at what I caught!).  so much roadkill debris on Marsha's tires.  I peed on the side of the road once.  Had to, it's part of the experience. I'M HERE.

The hundred miles on either side of the Utah/Arizona state border is gorgeous.  I had kind of forgotten about that and was so unprepared.  There were times when I would drive around a corner and gasp out loud at what I was looking at.  I want to climb those rocks someday.  Seriously, who knows about that?!  

Another interesting thought I had was the variety of places people inhabit.  There were homesteads scattered all through Southern Utah and Northern Arizona.  No Nordstrom in sight.  Baffling to me.  I admire the tenacity it must require to want that for yourself and your family.  Do you think they ride horses into town?  I would.  

It's bizarre to be in such a new place on my own.  I would think that it's no different than my recent adventure to NYC, but it feels completely unfamiliar.  I'll be honest, I don't like it that much right now.  NY was so exciting to me that my nerves were squashed by enthusiasm.  Phoenix enthusiasm is only medium-rare right now, but I'm sure that will change!  Especially considering the drive made me feel like a runaway.  That's just bad-ass.  My apt isn't ready tonight.  Rahr.  So I'm put up in a mildly seedy motel near the airport until the morning.  I think it's warm here but it's probably on in the mid 60s.  There's no one in the pool.  I realized about 4 miles outside of Phoenix city limits that I left all of my scrubs in the garage at my parents house.  Oh yeah, I'm here to work.  Dang it.  

currently listening to: Jamie Callum.  breakway roadtrip favorite this journey.  


*~*stacy*~* said...

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