Make no mistake, iTunes is plenty supported by me. However.
There is nothing like that sheer anticipation of having a plastic wrapped compact disc in my hot little hands.
I speed home.
I have perfected the art of busting open the plastic and removing that uncannily strong sticker affixed about the top edge of my prize.
Remember in high school physics, when you learn about potential energy illustrated as a ball sitting on top of a hill? That ball contains the potential to do work; to expel energy.
....This is how I feel about a new CD. New music contains the potential to bring about endless bouts of joy, self reflection, and whimsy. If I were a teacher, I would illustrate potential energy as me standing at the checkout line, holding new music. The potential would be converted to kinetic energy as I jump up and down as discreetly as possible.
I got my latest fix today. The subject? Lady Antebellum's newest heartwarmer. It has to be said that my taste for/knowledge of country music is fairly limited. But Lady A is nonnegotiable to me. Their freshman debut has not been ejected from my car since it was loaded. They just make me feel too good.
You should listen. Smile and think of me when you hear "American Honey". The vocals are just too sweet.