We Should Talk...

Hey guys,

Don't think I'm not aware of the 4 month blog silence.

I've been kinda uninspired by this medium.

This fall was pretty tumultuous and maybe I was too wrapped up in my nonsense to really put work into writing.

I've been cheating.

The truth is, I started a secret Tumblr page several months ago.  I don't know what my deal was, other than I just had some thoughts I wanted to say anonymously.  For the first time since I can remember, I've felt the need to keep myself and my thoughts a bit private or maybe just separate from myself?  I've been wanting to say things and process things but not necessarily under a snarky heading or with animated GIFs to accent.  So I started this secret Tumblr to post all of the things I find too annoying to let people I love read.  I'll let strangers find my rantings and yearnings obnoxious, eh?  The Tumblr is not linked to my name at all, although there is a non-identifying photo of me in its banner.  It is also entirely made of posts of poetry, or lists.  Some of it is really fun and silly, and other postings are heart breaking and wrought with way too much emotion to take responsibility for.

I hope someone out there reads it and finds it funny, sad, well-written, and annoying. 
 In that order.


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