
In honor of this Record 18 Post Blog Purge, I gotta shout out to Lindsay.  Recap: Seattle, Zag, Icelandic Volcano ruined Europe trip, dragged to filming friend.  I got to see her and her glowing (wink!) sis Megan during my Seattle trip this month.  The reason I have to mention her on this last of 18 posts today is because she is my blog cattle prod, if you will.  Every time I talk to her, I invariably have been delinquent in my updating and she ever so lovingly reminds me, "You have got to post on your blog, I think you are losing readership!"  I unwittingly then remind her that she and my mother ARE my readership, but I always appreciate the concern.

I hope this provides you with some day after Memorial Day reading at work, Linds.  Will try and keep up with that other damn blog you read.  Quelle pressure!

Just to be helpful, jump to the beginning of the 18 post string here!

In case I don't say it enough,  I am tickled by each and every one of my readers.  Especially those beyond Lindsay and my mom.  I'm always so shocked to find out that people read this silly little blog, but know that it just thrills me that you choose to waste your time keeping up with my ruckus.  Love Love Love.


Lindsay said...

Yesss!!! Can't wait to catch up on the life of Miss Mingni! I feel as though I need to spread out the reading of each post because I assume the next binge won't be for another month.

As always, it was fabulous to see you. I gotta make it to LA again soon!

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