Warning: Seizure ahead.

I have made the executive decision that I will not be working beyond my Oct 31st contract here in the RGV.  I have had enough.  Details later, I assure you.  I just think it's time to move on, I'm starting to accumulate a poor attitude about my career, and I need to get going before it really sets in and I decide to chase diamondbacks on the Sahara.  I always seem to get stimulation overload every time I start shopping for a new assignment.  Because I don't get to be as choosy as travel RN's in the past, I'm constantly riding the fence between trying to get what I want, and not ending up unemployed.  EEK!  I've gotten calls about assignments for places all over, from RI to SC to DC to KC to MI, but for one reason or another, they don't work.  Yikesabee.  


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