I Ain't Buyin It.

Yes folks, yet another bitter diatribe regarding the pathetic state of consumerism that plagues our nation.

I make myself sick.

A few months ago, while in church in Kansas City, I was struck my a clever little description the pastor gave regarding consumerism:

"Our country has been stricken with af-fluenza, this virus that causes us to be obsessed with creating the illusion of wealth. In particular, many Christians suffer from the H1N1 strain, that is 'have one, but need one".

my inner mind: (hummm. Funny, Pastor. Witty, even. But that's not me. *mentally sticks nose up in air*)

He talked about our lack of perspective when it comes to real wealth and how an accumulation of shiny things is of no significance in the realm of relationships. Really, if a man is a car collector and spends the years of his life trading parts, toiling in his garage, reading on the latest, what has he to show for it at his deathbed? Cars don't attend funerals. Please, we should be investing our time, funds, and energies into people.

Because our relationships are all we take with us.

This issue just reemerged on my radar because I have been fighting off affluenza for the past few weeks.

[Summer collections are out at Nordstrom.
I want a new Camelbak.
I want an ipod jack in my car.
I have bad hair.
I like jewelry.
Iphone 4.
I want an electronic reader to travel.
My friends have ridiculous sparklers on their fingers.
Don't I need that pretty blanket?
Don't I need that frame/shelf/lamp/shop vac for my house that I don't live in?!]

I want I want I want I want I want I want I want I want.

What an asshole.

So here is my declaration:
I will spend money to travel.
I will spend money on others, and ask them to pay it forward.
I will spend money to invest in the people in my life.
I will spend money in a way that I can defend at the pearly gates.

After all, as Miss Dolly Levi says: "Money is like manure, it's not worth a thing unless it's spread around encouraging young things to grow."

Throw it around, people. Leave the stuff at the store. Have experiences, build stories and friendships.

Love Love Love


Terry said...

you walk your talk. serious. love that. love you xo

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