Video killed the Breakup.

The breakup is dead.  This tradition has been killed tragically by the advancing technology of the 21st century.  It is survived by the casual brush off, the drunken hookup, the (ew) sober hookup, living together for decades without a wedding, the drunk dial relapse and so many other relationship faux pas.  
In this decade of texting, facebook, twitter (who CARES when John Mayer poops?!), and so many other stalking tools, it has become literally impossible to move on when parting ways with romantic interests.  Gone are the days of immaturely pretending the other party never existed, and denying wholly that it was this side a year ago you had your tongue down his throat.  Nowadays, you are bombarded with messages, details, pictures, and postings informing you of this person's every move, picture taken, place of business, and gulp,....new relationship.  Is this really necessary?!  Aren't we really just making things way too convenient to relapse?  It is just stupid that we are forced to ingest their every move and somehow pretend to be mature enough to stand it.  I beg off.  I don't want to coexist, stay friends, keep in contact.  I want to get the hell out.  I will be the first to admit that I am no expert in this field of study, but it seems to me that all of these 'social networking' tools just make it impossible to move on.  Personally, I am a fan of the "drop and run".  I do just that.  After it's over, I run for the hills and use avoidance as my coping mechanism.  It works great.  I make myself a deadline to be over it, and when this deadline arrives, I am.  Because I said so.  I've been talking a lot of good friends through relationship hell lately.  My observation as of late is that all this technology is no help in this department.  Traditionally, no one would casually call a recent ex just to say hi.  But a casual text is totally different, seemingly safe.  A facebook message is even less confrontational, and thereby somehow acceptable.  Pandora, meet your box.  The next thing you know, you are messing around with your ex because he just happened to be in town and sent a text to say hi.  Whoops.  Now what?!  Is it impossible to really cut ties with this person that, REMEMBER, you had already decided was wrong for you?  How come we forget his douche-esque qualities the second we see that he got drunk and took pictures with some bar rat?  Is it really productive to keep updated after it's over?  


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