FAQs about this NYC business

* Are you really moving to NYC still? Heck yes I am.
*When? As of right this minute, the last week in August.
*Do you have a job already? Nope, I have signed on with four different travel nurse agencies and will plan on starting in September. In August, I will bet them all against each other. May the agency with the most bonus money, win.
*Where are you living? Somewhere on the island of Manhattan. I hear Heath just opened up a place. No, really I will be hiring a broker once I get there and finding an ever elusive NYC flat. The only reason I can afford this is because travel nurses get housing stipends to pay for rent. BooYa union worker.
*Is anyone going with you? Meh, I dont like having to accomodate others that much. MY adventure. But please come visit:) Call first.
*Where did you get this idea? I went to NYC last summer with a friend and ended up being stranded alone for two days. I loved it. As soon as I was dropped off by the taxi my first night, I had a burning in my belly I was going to want to live there. So that was that.
*Are you outside your mind?! Perhaps, but that's where all the fun is anyway. This isn't permanent. Travel nurses are hired on a contract, 13 week basis. If I'm miserable, I'll peace out and go be a beach bum somewhere. This will likely happen anyway.
The moral of the story is, I need to get all this antsy-energy into something productive. I want to see everything possible. NYC is just a stepping stone into international nursing. Next stop, St Tropez. No, seriously. I wanna go.


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