This is Sailor Ross "PoufPouf" Schneidmiller. He is Jasmine's cockapoo (or cockapoop, as I like to say). He will be three/twenty one years old on Friday. Just wanted to share some thoughts on having a four legged roommate for the first time in my life. As you may or may not know, my family has never had pets that were permitted/anatomically able to live outside of a cage or tank. My dad, being the turfgrass enthusiast, was never one to buckle to the pleads of little girls whilst passing the cardboard box of puppies at the grocery store. He claims that it has everything to do with a dog's tendency to tear up a yard, ruin the lawn, and chew on everything. Personally, I think it has more to do with his childhood history with dogs. You see, my dad grew up poorer than poor in China.... and dogs were dinner. No Fido at the Sun home, or else he might get barbecued for bad behavior. Oh yeah, it would have happened.
So..... Top Ten Fun Facts about Sailor:
1. He thinks he's a Chihuahua, as in, he thinks he can fit in your lap when you already have a computer in it.
2. He does really well on our way out when I take him running, but turns into a complete and unwavering nuisance on the way back. Why? Unsolved mystery.
3. Cockapoos are allegedly hypoallergenic, but he still makes my face/skin itch, and my nose run. He still sheds.
4. He has a hard time figuring out where our apartment is, but for some reason he always knows which way I want to turn on the trail outside, way before I get to it.
5. When we're running, he looks back at me every minute or so, as if to check and make sure I'm still there. I like to think he's relieved to find I am.
6. He hates men in hats. Odd, because I love them.
7. He becomes possessed when he's wet. I have been giving him baths pretty frequently since I moved in because, well, I'm new to the dog thing and he still grosses me out. Every time I finish he tears about as if he's been overtaken by the spirit of a schizophrenic.
8. He whines and scratches outside my door in the morning after Jasmine leaves, when I'm still in bed. He also barks at me if I'm in a chair and he wants me to scoot over.
9. He sleeps on the couch with his head on a pillow. I know, ridiculous.
10. He's a pain in the ass (sorry mom!).... and I kind of like him. God help me.