To stage your very own Extreme Home Makeover? Not this girl. Check out all the fun I had Ming-ing my new house.
Before: gross olive green, a confusing built in unit, and painted brick (red! who paints brick red?!
The kitchen definitely felt like a red coffin. Way too contemporary looking for my taste, it was harsh. I want whimsy!
~~~~~~~~~~~~five gallons of paint, three days, and four hours scrubbing my floors later.......
I love the transformation. I knew I wanted my walls to be a definite color, not just neutral or brown. This granny smith apple green is so bright and silly. In the search for a color to complement the kitchen's existing black and white everywhere, I decided to go big and just paint it Caribbean blue. It's real whimsical.
My house and I are currently in the most perfect phase. We're still honey mooning, and I havent made a mortgage payment yet. So far, it's bliss.
Shut up, I know this denial is short-lived.
Love Love Love.
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