I have joined the ranks of Dads and Grandparents everywhere in being completely wrapped around a little girl's finger. I'm gonna be a cheeseball about this. I think about her all the time, I wonder what kind of girl she will become, and I wonder how much I will get to do with it. I worry that she isn't being given what she deserves. It's hard to love a little thing like her; you want to jump all over her world, spray her with invisa-shield and slay all dragons that dare threaten her every joy. Sometimes I'm bitter with TL for bringing her into my life and making me fall for her before I was ready to settle down and help more. That's really immature, I realize, but I feel secure knowing that I have made no guarantees of maturity on this thread. All the same, as soon as I feel bitter I then feel so thankful because TL has never given me anything so great as Sam. In all issues Sam-related, I find myself torn. Wouldn't it be the right thing to do to just swallow my antsyness and go home for a while? I could help out, be there to help raise her, start my subliminal messages about the Zags, Hudson jeans, and Apple computers. In the same breath, won't I have so much more to offer Sam if I see as much as I can now, in order to tell her things later? Am I just a selfish, silly girl chasing butterflies or is there some substance to my wandering? There is no clarity. Lordy, I need to get out of Texas. The grease in the air is getting to my head.
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