Some observations:
- why is it that I am approached exponentially more often by black males than any other variety? are they more bold? or just amused by my stature? furthermore, they hastily approach me in bars, as if I might scurry away like an elf. This night, I hadn't even ordered my first drink when a dark skinned fellow slid up next to me at the bar and blew me away with his opening line of: "how tall are you?"........SERIOUSLY?! I was wearing a freaking TUTU. You couldn't have done anything with THAT?!
- how the hell is a girl of this century supposed to manage the non-confrontational brush off? I'm told that you used to have to write your name and number on a cocktail napkin and coyly pass it to any man who asked for your number in a public place. This made a relatively easy out if needed: fake names, fake numbers! Now, I have people screaming incoherently in my ear while shoving a Blackberry in my face. Firstly, I don't know how to use them and doofishly fumbled with the keys to get "Emily Meng" entered into the phones. Thank goodness I didn't have the guts to enter in a fake number because now THEY CALL YOU IMMEDIATELY. Who says just because you want mine that I want yours?! Eek! In this situation, I thought I was so sneaky in that upon getting the missed call, I immediately blocked the number. Gotcha.
- I don't like the ass-grabbing phenomenon that is sweeping this nation. I can't think of much else needed to elaborate. That's MINE, and kindergarten says to keep your hands to yourself, bucko.
-Uh, so.... What happened to the three day rule? The very next day I have three calls from gentlemen callers seeking "Emily". Blocking numbers is sneaky. Not activating the feature on your phone makes you look like an idiot. Dang it.
I have recently been told that I give off the "closed off" vibe to guys and that I need to be more open to meeting people....apparently that's healthy. Well. You're wrong. I'm putting my fake wedding band back on. This is stupid.
*addendum: it should be noted that blocking calls really only forwards to voicemail....and does nothing to traffic text messages. may we all pray that someday this changes.
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