PHX pro: taco stands.
cons: the traffic sucks! i'm going to try really hard to not need to make any left turns.
-um, where am i going to watch my Zags play? Matty and Austin need me!
I actively suppressed my urges last night to jump every time I heard a car door open outside of my sketchy motel room. Boy was I glad to get outta there. After a few hours of dealing with my AZ nursing license, I headed to my new apartment for 13 weeks. Which is, nicer than any other place I have ever lived. Or likely ever will. If any of you buffoons get over the snow up north, get your ass down here. There's room for the entire motley crue. There's a great room that looks like an ESPN zone, full volleyball pit, pool/veranda, and perhaps the nicest private gym I have ever seen. Weekly yoga classes offered, I'm going!! As i type this, Im pretty sure the palm tree next to me is playing Christmas music out of its trunk. The sunshine/searing flesh feels amazing. I'm not using sunscreen.
Love Love Love
Currently listening to: George Michael. He puts the boom boom into my heart.
LOOOOOOOOOOOve my boyfriend George Michael...! boom boom ..
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